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22 RTA 1518 2 Far South Halsted Corridor Study prepares for future Pace Pulse service

A new RTA Community Planning project kicked off in late 2023 as a crucial step in bringing Pace Pulse service to Chicago’s south suburbs. The Far South Halst...

January 25, 2024
Pace capital RTA releases semi-annual project management oversight report highlighting more than 100 capital projects

Under its Project Management Oversight (PMO) program, the RTA ensures that the Service Boards—CTA, Metra, and Pace—are spending capital funds and managing th...

January 3, 2024
Image 22 RTA0717min RTA announces Access to Transit project awards that will improve bicycle and pedestrian access near transit throughout the region

The RTA is announcing five Access to Transit projects after receiving funding last month from the federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (...

November 1, 2023
Engagement and transparency RTA launches performance measures dashboards to track progress on strategic plan outcomes

The RTA’s regional transit strategic plan, Transit is the Answer, identifies six key outcomes that are needed to achieve the plan’s vision of “safe, reliable...

October 4, 2023
221107 RTA 1554 Legislation expands Transit Benefit Program to workplaces across the Chicago region

Legislative action in Springfield will expand the pre-tax transit benefit program to places of business across the Chicago region, offering both employees an...

July 25, 2023
Implementation report Explore 2022 RTA Local Planning projects and successes in interactive implementation report

Every year, the RTA’s Local Planning department assists local governments throughout northeastern Illinois on projects that strengthen the region’s transit s...

July 11, 2023
Webinar 4 Transportation Tuesday recap: Advancing a Regional Capital Strategy

One of the core responsibilities of the RTA is to work with the CTA, Metra, and Pace to advance a capital strategy that ensures major transit investments are...

June 28, 2023
PMO RTA releases semi-annual project management oversight report highlighting over $7 billion in transit investments

Under its Project Management Oversight (PMO) program, the RTA ensures that the Service Boards—CTA, Metra, and Pace—are spending capital funds and managing th...

June 23, 2023
Engagement and transparency How the RTA is prioritizing inclusive community engagement and transparency

This post is one in a series exploring the Agenda for Action and Advocacy in Transit is the Answer, the RTA’s new regional transit strategic plan. Together w...

June 15, 2023
Community planning Curb management and TOD: Community Planning projects kick off throughout region

This spring, three projects have kicked off that will make communities throughout the Chicago region more transit-friendly, thanks to support from the RTA Co...

June 1, 2023
University Park TOD plan blog header University Park transit-oriented development plan reimagines Metra Electric terminus station area

The recently adopted Village of University Park Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Plan envisions a next generation Metra Electric station area that fosters ...

May 1, 2023
22 RTA 0451 Project Management Oversight report highlights more than $7 billion in ongoing transit investments

Twice a year the RTA publishes a Project Management Oversight (PMO) report that details major transit investments by CTA, Metra, and Pace and fulfills our ov...

March 8, 2023
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