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    How peer transit systems’ address their fiscal cliffs

    Like the RTA, systems across the nation are facing funding gaps. Many have taken action by finding temporary, one-time funding to identifying new sources of revenue for the future.

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    The outcomes of falling off the fiscal cliff or investing in transit

    New economic impact analyses by the RTA finds that not investing in transit comes with costs greater than the fiscal cliff itself, and they worsen each year as the problem magnifies.

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    Use transit to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

    Find out how you can use the CTA, Metra, or Pace to access plenty of Hispanic Heritage Month activities throughout the region.

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    Transit Station Activations in Rogers Park, Joliet

    As part of the RTA's new Transit Station Activation program, Rogers Park and Joliet hosted events in August to bring live music, games, and more near transit stations and stops.

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The RTA is...

A government agency created by the State of Illinois to coordinate the Chicago region’s transit system, oversee its financing with transparency and accountability, and plan for a future with adequate, accessible, and equitable public transportation for the six counties of Northeastern Illinois. Learn more about the work we do...

9th Red Line CTA train station in the middle of a highway.

The RTA in action

Through the Section 5310 program, the RTA will award nearly $14M in federal funding for projects that enhance mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities. The services funded through this program provided more than 600,000 trips in 2022.

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Section 5310

In September, the RTA Board of Directors approved a program of projects that will make it easier for older adults and people with disabilities to get to jobs, medical appointments, the grocery store, social activities, and more. The Section 5310 Program is a federal formula grant program that provides assistance to public transportation projects that focus on enhancing mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities.

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An elevated CTA train runs perpendicular to a Metra train
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