RTA Reminds Riders Transit is Best Option for Veteran's Day Festivities
November 6, 2014
November 6, 2014
The Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) is urging military personnel to consider transit for their Veteran’s Day festivities. The RTA, along with the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), Metra and Pace, appreciate the men and women who serve and protect our country and are reminding riders that the Service Boards provide free and reduced fares to qualifying veterans and military personnel.
Qualifying veterans and military personnel, persons with disabilities or older adults, may be eligible for an RTA Reduced Fare or Ride Free permit. Information will be available at the RTA’s Stand Down Veterans event, Friday, November 21, at the Northwest Armory, 1550 N. Kedzie Avenue, Chicago. This event is open to the public. For more information about veteran fares, visit http://www.rtachicago.org/fare-programs/military-service-fare-program.html or call the RTA Customer Service Center at 312-913-3110. The RTA Customer Service Center will be open on Veteran's Day, November 11th.
CTA provides free rides to uniformed military personnel on the CTA buses and trains. Qualifying disabled veterans and active duty military personnel not in uniform must present a valid CTA Military Service Pass (MSP) in order to ride free on CTA buses and trains. Visit http://www.transitchicago.com/travel_information/fares/military.aspx for more information.
Metra provides active duty military personnel reduced fares on one-way and ten ride tickets with the proper military identification. Visit http://metrarail.com/metra/en/home/tickets.html?cq_ck=1251746486500#U.S.MilitaryFares for more information.
Pace provides free rides to uniformed military personnel who are on active duty. Visit http://www.pacebus.com/sub/schedules/fare_information.asp for more information.
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