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RTA Announces Three New Members to the RTA Transit Access Advisory Committee

January 24, 2014

The Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) announced the appointment of three new members to its newly expanded Transit Access Advisory Committee (TAAC). Scott Hennings will represent McHenry County; David Ogunbode will represent Chicago; and Jackie Reuland will represent DuPage County, replacing Chris Ludwig. Hennings and Ogunbode will occupy seats that have been newly added to ensure residents throughout the region continue to be adequately represented.

Hennings is a Transportation Planner at the McHenry County Division of Transportation (MCDOT). Last year Hennings and his fellow MCDOT colleagues partnered with Pace Suburban Bus and several municipalities and townships within the McHenry County to merge and coordinate four Dial-a-Ride transit services. The coordinated system known as McRide allows for inter-community travel throughout the expanded McHenry service area for people with disabilities who qualify for a reduced fare permit. Prior to joining MCDOT, Hennings worked as a Mobility Manager for Rock County Wisconsin, implementing a travel training program to make it easier for those with disabilities to ride the fixed-route transit system.

Ogunbode is Executive Director of Community Service Options, Inc. (CSO), an independent service coordination agency that provides case management, advocacy and service coordination for individuals with intellectual/developmental disability for the Illinois Department of Human Services. CSO conducts eligibility determination, referrals, linkages to funding and services, and continuous service monitoring and advocacy for the disabled population. CSO also provides case management and support services for individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the City of Chicago.

Reuland is Manager of the Center for Access and Accommodations at College of DuPage (COD) which ensures student programs and facilities are accessible. COD is the second largest provider of undergraduate education in the State of Illinois serving approximately 1,350 students with disabilities enrolled in classes per year.

The citizen’s committee provides input regarding RTA’s service to the disability community. The committee has 18 members representing each of the region’s six counties; each of the Service Boards and their ADA advisory committees; a representative of the City of Chicago’s Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities; and an RTA staff representative. The RTA welcomes each member’s participation on the Committee and looks forward to their contributions.

Press Information

Melissa Meyer

Communications Manager
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