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RTA, Active Trans Launch Commuter Challenge Campaign

November 28, 2012

The Regional Transportation Authority and the Active Transportation Alliance have issued a challenge to northeastern Illinois commuters aiming to reduce single car occupancy and increase healthier travel modes such as transit and biking. The recently launched campaign is called drive less. live more., and over 320 people and 17 companies have already signed up.

Through, the web based challenge allows commuters to track their modes of travel, see how they can reduce carbon emissions and become eligible for prizes such as transit rides, a folding bike and a Chicago “Stay-cation” hotel package. Walking, car and van pooling are travel modes promoted as alternatives to driving alone in addition to transit and biking.

“The most effective way to reduce air pollution is to reduce the number of commuters on the region’s roads,” said RTA Executive Director Joe Costello. “The drive less. live more. campaign is a friendly competition to promote travel options such as our vast transit network and numerous bike friendly paths and lanes available in the region.”

This is a great opportunity for the transit agencies to collaborate and remind commuters that our region has an all-access transit system that’s easily accessible, saves time and money,” said Active Transportation Alliance Executive Director Ron Burke

Challenge participants can register either as companies or individuals. Six challenges will occur now through August, 2013. The first challenge “TransitWorks” is now accepting teams. The challenge runs from December 1-7.
Companies compete with other companies based on their size and category. A company wins if it has the highest percentage of employees logging an eligible commute to work in its category during the challenge time-frame. The winning team receives public recognition, a virtual winner’s certificate, and the satisfaction of being the healthiest and greenest workplace in northeastern Illinois.

Each year, the RTA’s transit system makes a significant impact on the region’s environment by saving approximately 150 million gallons of gas annually. And as saving money continues to be on everyone’s mind in this economic climate, the drive less. live more challenge is another means to encourage travelers to see the value in public transportation and other alternative methods of greener travel.

Learn more by visiting For all your travel plans, visit that is now also accessible with Smartphones.

Press Information

Melissa Meyer

Communications Manager
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